Canary deployment strategy with Openshift Service Mesh

In the previous section, we executed a canary deployment using Argo Rollouts without traffic management. When we set a 10% weight it does not mean that 10% of the traffic goes to the new version. Because, as we explained before, Argo Rollouts makes a best-effort attempt to achieve the percentage listed in the weight between the new and old versions.

To achieve the right percentage in each version, we are going to use traffic management with Openshift Service Mesh

Generate film-storage service mesh GitOps Application

First of all, it is required to review a set of objects in our forked git repository to configure the deployment correctly for deploying our application following a GitOps model.

For this exercise, we are going to use Helm to render the different Kubernetes objects. Please follow the next section to understand the required objects and configurations.

Review and Modify Rollout strategy

We want you to define the steps to perform the canary deployment. You can choose the number of steps and the percentage of traffic. To learn more about Argo Rollouts, please read this.

Please edit the file named ./rhsm-canary/templates/film-storage-back-rollout.yaml to define <SET-STEPS> as you want and understand the canary deployment strategy:

      dynamicStableScale: true
        - templateName: {{ include "" . }}-analysis-template
            - primary
            name: {{ include "" . }}
            name: {{ include "" . }}
            canarySubsetName: canary
            stableSubsetName: stable

Modify Helm values

It is required to edit the file named ./rhsm-canary/edit.values.yaml to add the required <OCP_DOMAIN>. You can check their values in the parameters chapter.

    version: 0.2
domain: <OCP_DOMAIN>

Commit and Push the Changes

Once all the files are configured correctly, it is time to commit and push all changes to the repository that you have just forked.

git add .
git commit -m "Configured film-storage App deployment files for canary with Service Mesh strategy"
git push

Deploy film-storage Application

We are going to create the application film-storage-service-mesh-canary, which we will use to test canary deployment with Service Mesh. Because we will make changes in the application’s GitHub repository, we have to use the repository that you have just forked. Please edit the following YAML and set your own GitHub repository in the repoURL.

kind: Application
  name: film-storage-service-mesh-canary
  namespace: %USER%-gitops-argocd
    name: ''
    namespace: %USER%-canary-service-mesh
    server: 'https://kubernetes.default.svc'
    path: rhsm-canary
    targetRevision: HEAD
        - edit.values.yaml
  project: default
      prune: false
      selfHeal: true
oc apply -f argocd/film-storage-service-mesh-canary.yaml

Looking at the Argo CD dashboard, you would notice that we have a new film-storage-service-mesh-canary application.

ArgoCD film-storage-service-mesh-canary

Application architecture

To achieve canary deployment with Cloud Native applications using Argo Rollouts and Openshift Service Mesh, we have designed this architecture.

film-storage initial status

OpenShift Components

  • Only one route and service that maps to the Service Mesh Destination Rule.

  • A Destination Rule exposing the pods.

We can also see the rollout’s status.

oc argo rollouts get rollout film-storage --watch -n %USER%-canary-service-mesh
NAME                                      KIND        STATUS     AGE  INFO
⟳ film-storage                            Rollout     ✔ Healthy  21m
└──# revision:1
   └──⧉ film-storage-7587cfcc54           ReplicaSet  ✔ Healthy  21m  stable
      ├──□ film-storage-7587cfcc54-7xdgl  Pod         ✔ Running  21m  ready:2/2
      ├──□ film-storage-7587cfcc54-9vczq  Pod         ✔ Running  21m  ready:2/2
      ├──□ film-storage-7587cfcc54-c8fgb  Pod         ✔ Running  21m  ready:2/2
      ├──□ film-storage-7587cfcc54-f6m27  Pod         ✔ Running  21m  ready:2/2
      └──□ film-storage-7587cfcc54-lkrgt  Pod         ✔ Running  21m  ready:2/2

We have defined an active service film-storage. When a new version is deployed, Argo Rollouts creates a new revision (ReplicaSet). The number of replicas in the new release increases based on the information in the steps, and the number of replicas in the old release decreases by the same number. But in this case, the amount of traffic that is sent to each version will be managed by the VirtualService and DestinationRule.

Test film-storage application

We have deployed the film-storage with ArgoCD. We can test that it is up and running.

Visit the back route via your web browser URL

Another possibility is to set the terminal making requests to the service:

watch curl -s https://film-storage-%USER%-canary-service-mesh-istio-system.apps.%CLUSTER%/api/v1/info
{"app":{"name":"film-storage","version":"0.2","buildTime":"2023/01/10 15:17:57"}}

film-storage canary deployment

To test canary deployment we are going to do changes in the application.

We will deploy a new version 0.3.

Argo Rollouts will automatically deploy a new film-storage revision. Based on the steps that you have defined, we will see how the traffic will go to the different versions.

We also encourage you to use Kiali graph to see the percentages of the traffic that goes to each version. Log in with your Openshift lab-user and select your namespace.

"Kiali namespace
Figure 1. Kiali namespace

Then go to Display, Show Edge Labels and select Requests Percentage.

"Kiali labels
Figure 2. Kiali labels

We will see the graph with 100% of the traffic going to 0.2 version.

"Kiali graph V1
Figure 3. Kiali graph V1

We have to edit the files ./rhsm-canary/edit.values.yaml to modify the value 0.2 to 0.3:

    version: 0.2 <---

When you are ready to see all the changes on the fly. Push the changes to start the deployment.

git add .
git commit -m "Change version to 0.3"
git push

ArgoCD will refresh the status after some minutes. If you don’t want to wait you can refresh it manually from ArgoCD UI.

This is our current status (It can be different depending on the steps you have defined):

"film-storage Step 1
oc argo rollouts get rollout film-storage --watch -n %USER%-canary-service-mesh
NAME                                      KIND         STATUS        AGE  INFO
⟳ film-storage                            Rollout      ॥ Paused      67m
├──# revision:2
│  ├──⧉ film-storage-68c88f96cd           ReplicaSet   ✔ Healthy     19s  canary
│  │  └──□ film-storage-68c88f96cd-sxvxz  Pod          ✔ Running     18s  ready:2/2
│  ├──α film-storage-68c88f96cd-2.1       AnalysisRun  ✔ Successful  18s  ✔ 1
│  └──α film-storage-68c88f96cd-2         AnalysisRun  ✔ Successful  18s  ✔ 1
└──# revision:1
   └──⧉ film-storage-7587cfcc54           ReplicaSet   ✔ Healthy     67m  stable
      ├──□ film-storage-7587cfcc54-7xdgl  Pod          ✔ Running     67m  ready:2/2
      ├──□ film-storage-7587cfcc54-9vczq  Pod          ✔ Running     67m  ready:2/2
      ├──□ film-storage-7587cfcc54-c8fgb  Pod          ✔ Running     67m  ready:2/2
      ├──□ film-storage-7587cfcc54-f6m27  Pod          ✔ Running     67m  ready:2/2
      └──□ film-storage-7587cfcc54-lkrgt  Pod          ✔ Running     67m  ready:2/2

In Kiali, you can also see how the traffic going to each version changes.

Kiali graph V2
Figure 4. Kiali graph V2

Another important point is how ArgoCD change the percentage of traffic automatically in the virtual service instance:

ArgoCD Vritual Service
Figure 5. ArgoCD

Deploy film-storage new version rollout finished

When all the rollout steps have finished. We have the new version 0.3 for all the users!!!

Kiali graph V4
Figure 6. Kiali graph V4

In addition, Argo Rollouts will scale down the old version:

oc argo rollouts get rollout film-storage --watch -n %USER%-canary-service-mesh
NAME                                      KIND         STATUS        AGE    INFO
⟳ film-storage                            Rollout      ✔ Healthy     74m
├──# revision:2
│  ├──⧉ film-storage-68c88f96cd           ReplicaSet   ✔ Healthy     7m35s  stable
│  │  ├──□ film-storage-68c88f96cd-sxvxz  Pod          ✔ Running     7m34s  ready:2/2
│  │  ├──□ film-storage-68c88f96cd-bnbfb  Pod          ✔ Running     2m27s  ready:2/2
│  │  ├──□ film-storage-68c88f96cd-g49j2  Pod          ✔ Running     2m27s  ready:2/2
│  │  ├──□ film-storage-68c88f96cd-llzx5  Pod          ✔ Running     2m27s  ready:2/2
│  │  └──□ film-storage-68c88f96cd-m6wnv  Pod          ✔ Running     2m27s  ready:2/2
│  ├──α film-storage-68c88f96cd-2.1       AnalysisRun  ✔ Successful  7m34s  ✔ 1
│  └──α film-storage-68c88f96cd-2         AnalysisRun  ✔ Successful  7m34s  ✔ 1
└──# revision:1
   └──⧉ film-storage-7587cfcc54           ReplicaSet   • ScaledDown  74m