Canary deployment strategy

As mentioned before, a canary deployment is a strategy where the operator releases a new version of their application to a small percentage of the production traffic. This small percentage may test the new version and provide feedback. If the new version is working well the operator may increase the percentage, till all the traffic is using the new version.

Generate film-storage APP GitOps Deployment Model

First of all, it is required to review a set of objects in our forked git repository to configure the deployment correctly for deploying our application following a GitOps model.

Please follow the next section to understand the required objects and configurations.

Review and Modify Rollout strategy

As you know so well, the Rollout object controls the application deployment. If you look closely, it is possible to find many similarities between an Argo Rollout object and a Kubernetes Deployment. The main difference between the previous objects referenced is the rollout strategy field.

Please edit the file named ./canary/film-storage-rollout.yaml to define <TIME> as 30s and understand the canary deployment strategy:

        startingStep: 1
        - templateName: film-storage-analysis-template
      - setWeight: 10
      - pause:
          duration: <TIME>
      - setWeight: 50
      - pause:
          duration: <TIME>

Modify Analysis Template

Please edit the file named ./canary/film-storage-analysis-template.yaml to add the required <USERNAME> that helps to reference the user namespace in the healthcheck URL.

    - name: film-storage-webmetric
          jsonPath: '{$.status}'
          url: >-
      successCondition: result == 'UP'
For more information about AnalysisTemplate, please visit the following link.

Commit and Push the Changes

Once all the files are configured correctly, it is time to commit and push all changes to the repository that you have just forked.

git add .
git commit -m "Configured film-storage App deployment files for canary strategy"
git push

Deploy film-storage ArgoCD Application

We are going to create the application film-storage-canary, which we will use to test canary deployment. Because we will make changes in the application’s GitHub repository, we have to use the repository that you have just forked. Please edit the following .yaml file, and set your own GitHub repository in the repoURL. Create a file called film-storage-canary.yaml inside the argocd folder:

kind: Application
  name: film-storage-canary
  namespace: %USER%-gitops-argocd
    name: ''
    namespace: %USER%-canary
    server: 'https://kubernetes.default.svc'
    path: canary
    targetRevision: HEAD
  project: default
      prune: false
      selfHeal: true
oc apply -f argocd/film-storage-canary.yaml

Looking at the Argo CD dashboard, you would notice that we have a new film-storage application.

ArgoCD film-storage-canary strategy

Application architecture

To achieve canary deployment with Cloud Native applications using Argo Rollouts, we have designed this architecture.

film-storage initial status

OpenShift Components - Online

  • Routes and Services

  • Services mapped to the rollout.

In Blue/Green deployment we always have an offline service to test the version that is not in production. In the case of canary deployment, we do not need it because progressively we will have the new version in production.

We can also see the rollout’s status.

oc argo rollouts get rollout film-storage --watch -n %USER%-canary
NAME                                      KIND        STATUS     AGE  INFO
⟳ film-storage                            Rollout     ✔ Healthy  13m
└──# revision:1
   └──⧉ film-storage-644f5f6df7           ReplicaSet  ✔ Healthy  13m  stable
      ├──□ film-storage-644f5f6df7-8v25c  Pod         ✔ Running  13m  ready:1/1
      ├──□ film-storage-644f5f6df7-c6ldl  Pod         ✔ Running  13m  ready:1/1
      ├──□ film-storage-644f5f6df7-gxxqp  Pod         ✔ Running  13m  ready:1/1
      └──□ film-storage-644f5f6df7-l5cvj  Pod         ✔ Running  13m  ready:1/1

When a new version is deployed, Argo Rollouts creates a new revision (ReplicaSet). The number of replicas in the new release increases based on the information in the steps, and the number of replicas in the old release decreases by the same number. We have configured a pause duration between each step. To learn more about Argo Rollouts, please read this.

Test film-storage application

We have deployed the film-storage with ArgoCD. We can test that it is up and running.

To test the online service, you can use URL:

curl -s "$(oc get routes film-storage -n %USER%-canary --template='http://{{}}')/api/v1/info"
You can use the watch command to make requests every 2 seconds.

film-storage canary deployment

We have split a Cloud Native Canary deployment into three automatic steps:

  1. Deploy canary version for 10%

  2. Scale the canary version to 50%

  3. Scale the canary version to 100%

This is just an example. The key point here is that very easily we can have the canary deployment that better fits our needs. To make this demo faster we have not set a pause without duration in any step, so Argo Rollouts will go throw each step automatically.

To test canary deployment we are going to do changes in the application.

Step 1 - Deploy the canary version for 10%

We will deploy a new version V2.0.0. To do it, we have to edit the files ./canary/film-storage-rollout.yaml to modify the value 0.2 to 0.3:

          image: <---

Before applying these changes, it is important to monitor the current version. To track all canary processes, it is required to the following command to make a request every 500ms

watch -n0.5 curl -s "$(oc get routes film-storage -n %USER%-canary --template='http://{{}}')/api/v1/info"

Argo Rollouts will automatically deploy a new film-storage revision. The canary version will be 10% of the replicas. In this demo, we are not using traffic management. Argo Rollouts makes a best-effort attempt to achieve the percentage listed in the last setWeight step between the new and old version. This means that it will create only one replica in the new revision because it is rounded up. All the requests are load balanced between the old and the new replicas.

Push the changes to start the deployment.

git add .
git commit -m "Change film-storage to version 0.3"
git push

ArgoCD will refresh the status after some minutes. If you don’t want to wait you can refresh it manually from ArgoCD UI.

film-storage canary refresh

This is our current status:

"film-storage canary step 1
oc argo rollouts get rollout film-storage --watch -n %USER%-canary
NAME                                      KIND         STATUS        AGE    INFO
⟳ film-storage                            Rollout      ॥ Paused      39m
├──# revision:4
│  ├──⧉ film-storage-7c455c98c8           ReplicaSet   ✔ Healthy     8m7s   canary
│  │  └──□ film-storage-7c455c98c8-mz9ks  Pod          ✔ Running     18s    ready:1/1
│  └──α film-storage-7c455c98c8-4         AnalysisRun  ✔ Successful  13s    ✔ 1
├──# revision:3
│  ├──⧉ film-storage-644f5f6df7           ReplicaSet   ✔ Healthy     39m    stable
│  │  ├──□ film-storage-644f5f6df7-c7j2r  Pod          ✔ Running     5m39s  ready:1/1
│  │  ├──□ film-storage-644f5f6df7-mxrsr  Pod          ✔ Running     5m4s   ready:1/1
│  │  ├──□ film-storage-644f5f6df7-b2c9r  Pod          ✔ Running     4m31s  ready:1/1
│  │  └──□ film-storage-644f5f6df7-z2rxd  Pod          ✔ Running     4m31s  ready:1/1
│  └──α film-storage-644f5f6df7-3         AnalysisRun  ✔ Successful  5m34s  ✔ 1

If we make a lot of requests, we will have the new version in 25% of the requests.

Step 2 - Scale the canary version to 50%

After 30 seconds Argo Rollouts automatically will increase the number of replicas in the new release to 2. Instead of increasing automatically after 30 seconds, we can configure Argo Rollouts to wait indefinitely until that Pause condition is removed. But this is not part of this demo.

This is our current status:

film-storage canary step 2
oc argo rollouts get rollout film-storage --watch -n %USER%-canary
NAME                                      KIND         STATUS        AGE    INFO
⟳ film-storage                            Rollout      ॥ Paused      40m
├──# revision:4
│  ├──⧉ film-storage-7c455c98c8           ReplicaSet   ✔ Healthy     8m40s  canary
│  │  ├──□ film-storage-7c455c98c8-mz9ks  Pod          ✔ Running     51s    ready:1/1
│  │  └──□ film-storage-7c455c98c8-sdbd6  Pod          ✔ Running     16s    ready:1/1
│  └──α film-storage-7c455c98c8-4         AnalysisRun  ✔ Successful  46s    ✔ 1
├──# revision:3
│  ├──⧉ film-storage-644f5f6df7           ReplicaSet   ✔ Healthy     40m    stable
│  │  ├──□ film-storage-644f5f6df7-mxrsr  Pod          ✔ Running     5m37s  ready:1/1
│  │  └──□ film-storage-644f5f6df7-z2rxd  Pod          ✔ Running     5m4s   ready:1/1
│  └──α film-storage-644f5f6df7-3         AnalysisRun  ✔ Successful  6m7s   ✔ 1

Step 3 - Scale the canary version to 100%

After another 30 seconds, Argo Rollouts will increase the number of replicas in the new release to 4 and scale down the old revision.

This is our current status:

film-storage canary step 3
oc argo rollouts get rollout film-storage --watch -n %USER%-canary
NAME                                      KIND         STATUS        AGE    INFO
⟳ film-storage                            Rollout      ✔ Healthy     40m
├──# revision:4
│  ├──⧉ film-storage-7c455c98c8           ReplicaSet   ✔ Healthy     9m8s   stable
│  │  ├──□ film-storage-7c455c98c8-mz9ks  Pod          ✔ Running     79s    ready:1/1
│  │  ├──□ film-storage-7c455c98c8-sdbd6  Pod          ✔ Running     44s    ready:1/1
│  │  ├──□ film-storage-7c455c98c8-9m2dp  Pod          ✔ Running     9s     ready:1/1
│  │  └──□ film-storage-7c455c98c8-p4pzq  Pod          ✔ Running     9s     ready:1/1
│  └──α film-storage-7c455c98c8-4         AnalysisRun  ✔ Successful  74s    ✔ 1
├──# revision:3
│  ├──⧉ film-storage-644f5f6df7           ReplicaSet   • ScaledDown  40m
│  └──α film-storage-644f5f6df7-3         AnalysisRun  ✔ Successful  6m35s  ✔ 1

If we review the terminal with the watch command, we’ll look at all the responses with the new version.